Love Marriage Trends

Love Marriage Trends

Love marriage is when individuals love each other and get married with or without the consent of their parents. They get married because they love each other, not because their families want them to or because it is the social norm in their society. There are many trends relating to marital satisfaction that support love marriages and that oppose love marriages.


This image represents a couple in India who is in love.


Love Marriages in India: Supporting Trends

There are many trends in India that support love marriage. Some of the common patterns are:

  • The boy or girl chooses their own spouse, and no elderly supervision is involved
  • Restrictions of caste, social status, physical appearance and even religion do not apply
  • The couple usually fully knows their potential partner and has strong feelings of love for them.
  • More Freedom when choosing who to marry.
  • The opportunity to fall in love before marriage.

Love marriages in India have some supporting trends (Love vs. Arranged Marriage ). There is definitely more freedom when choosing a spouse in love marriages than arranged marriages. This is because there are lesser qualities to look at since restrictions on caste and social status don’t apply. Couples also have a better chance of falling in love with each other, since they typically know each other pretty well before they get married.


This image represents a love marriage in India.


Love Marriages in India: Opposing Trends

There are also many trends in India that oppose love marriages. Some of these common patterns are:

  • The couple can become distant from their parents and family
  • There is a high level of expectations for the relationship
  • You may lose support of your family
  • Higher divorce rate of love marriages than arranged marriages.

Love marriages in India have some opposing trends (Love vs. Arranged Marriage). There is a higher divorce rate in love marriages than arranged marriages. This happens because sometimes couples rush into marriage too fast and then find out they have differences. In arranged marriages people do not usually expect to find true love so there are less expectations in the relationship to be perfect, which can be a disadvantage in love marriages because people have higher expectations that will more likely result in a falling out (Arranged Marriages: a Tradition Worth Keeping). A possibility is for people that decide to have love marriages, might lose support of their families or lose respect in society.