Arranged Marriage Trends

Arranged marriage in India is the practice that families choose their child’s spouse for them based upon many factors (see previous Family Life in India page). Though now  arranged marriage has been modernized, so potential spouse’s thoughts are taken into consideration. There are many trends and statistics that support arranged marriages in India, and a few trends that oppose arranged marriages.


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A couple at their wedding celebrates their arranged marriage.


Arranged Marriages in India: Supporting Trends 

There are many apparent trends that support arranged marriage in India. Some of them are:

These many positive trends in the arranged marriage system in India that support the concept of arranged marriage.  Arranged marriages in India have a very low divorce rate which shows marriage satisfaction must be high (Divorce in India ). The reason for this is because arranged marriages are a relationship built on a foundation of the same beliefs and morals, each spouse never expected to completely fall “in love” with each other but to get along and be happy in their marriage. Also, surveys taken in India have shown that the majority of people in India would prefer an arranged marriage.


Arranged Marriages are still preferred in India today.


Arranged Marriages in India: Opposing Trends 

  • The decision is not for only the potential bride/groom to make, but the family’s as well
  • 2 out of 3 girls getting married as a teen in industrialized or westernized nations
  • It is common for a family to disown their child if a divorce occurs
  • There is less freedom in choosing a spouse

These many negative trends oppose arranged marriages in India (What Statistics say about Arranged Marriage ). A bride/groom has to live with member’s of their family choosing their spouse, sometimes with little to no say. Another very common trend, is the trend of girls getting married very young, which is keeping girls to be ready for marriage before they are being married off. Also, since divorce is very much frowned upon in Indian culture and children have to live with the fact that their parents might disown them if they get a divorce, then this might effect them in a relationship. It is possible that people are terrified to be disowned by their families, so they stay in harmful and unhealthy relationships.